Month: November 2013


See what God’s Word has to say on the subject of judging others

If you’ve been in relationship with an overly critical person you know how hurtful it can be to live under constant criticism. Let's examine how our judgments of others can turn around and harm us.

just enough

In the movie Fiddler on the Roof, Tevye talked very honestly with God about His economics: “You made many, many poor people. I realize, of course, that it’s no shame to be poor. But it’s no great honor either! So what would have been so terrible if I had a small fortune? . . . Lord, who made the lion and the lamb, you decreed I should be what I am. Would it spoil some vast, eternal plan if I were a wealthy man?”

Treasured Possession

By Ruth Lawrence, UK What’s the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of the word shepherd? When I was conversing with my brother on Gmail chat one day, he typed the word “shepherd” and the first word that popped up in my mind was “pie.” Actually my brother was trying to [...]

10 Reasons to Believe In A God Who Allows Suffering

Natural disasters. Terrorist acts. Injustice. Incurable disease. All these experiences point to suffering, and can cause people to question the love and goodness of a God who would let such things occur. In this publication, we seek to consider who God is, and why we can trust Him even when life hurts—and we don’t know why.


Many people trust their pharmacists more than their pastors! According to a 2012 Gallup poll, respondents were asked to rate the “honesty and ethical standards” of 22 different professions. Seventy-five percent ranked pharmacists as high/very high. Car salesmen and members of Congress were trusted least. Sadly, church leaders ranked eighth, and only one in two said the ones they know are men of integrity.

Real Love

A few years ago, my friend’s mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. Since then, Beth has been forced to make tough decisions about her mom’s care, and her heart has often been broken as she watched her vibrant and fun-loving mom slowly slipping away. In the process, my friend has learned that real love is not always easy or convenient.

Discover why Jesus said that by judging others, we may be judging ourselves!

Often the reason we can pick out certain faults in others is because we struggle with those very same issues.

If God is God, Why do Bad Things Happen? Part I

When it comes to questions of suffering and evil, no one has all the answers. However, author and speaker Os Guinness presents a compelling case that leads to faith and courage. With an engaging style, he introduces three perspectives on evil, examines the difference between suffering and evil, and shares steps to help you think through the problem of evil. Discover how you can cope with life and find reason to trust in God when bad things happen.

Spiritual Plagiarism

When I teach English composition, I require students to write in class. I know that in-class writing is their own work, so in this way I become familiar with each student’s writing voice and am able to detect if they “borrow” a bit too heavily from another writer. Students are surprised to learn that their writing voice—which includes what they say as well as how they say it—is as distinctive as their speaking voice. Just as the words we speak come from our hearts, so do the words we write. They reveal who we are.

The biblical law of sowing and reaping when it comes to judging others

If you plant an apple tree, you expect to harvest apples in the future. In the same turn, if you sow seeds of judgment, chances are you’ll eventually receive criticism yourself!

wrestling with God

Often, on Saturdays in the 1980s, my brother and I watched professional wrestling on TV. We were mesmerized by the acrobatics and the seemingly super-human body slams that shook the wrestling ring. We rooted for the good guys and pointed at the screen exclaiming things like “Did you see that?” and “Ooooh, that had to hurt!” Fortunately, we did not try (many of) those moves at home.

Mid-Youth Crisis

Right now I’m in the middle of what I would call a “mid-youth crisis.” Nearing the end of my undergraduate degree, I am beyond confused about my next step. Should I gain work experience? Should I begin a Masters Degree Programme? These questions have boggled my mind practically every day this past week as I [...]

If God is God, Why do Bad Things Happen? Part II

When it comes to questions of suffering and evil, no one has all the answers. However, author and speaker Os Guinness presents a compelling case that leads to faith and courage. With an engaging style, he introduces three perspectives on evil, examines the difference between suffering and evil, and shares steps to help you think through the problem of evil. Discover how you can cope with life and find reason to trust in God when bad things happen.

groaning or grumbling?

Ravi and Prakash received layoff notices from their employer, an insurance company that was being downsized by its new owner. “Once again the little man gets squeezed,” sighed Prakash; “Is this the thanks I get for 15 years of loyal service?”

What Time Is It?

Our Daily Bread Cover November 2013

The old adage is true: Timing is everything! That’s why Paul’s statement, “When the fullness of the time had come, God sent forth His Son” intrigues me so much (Gal. 4:4).

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